Monday, April 5, 2010

Motivation Monday

A while back I promised myself (I say myself because no one else reads this journal/blog), to post some of my favorite inspirational blogs. Well, today, I'm following through, at least in part, by posting about Kat's giveaway at Inspired to Action. Her posts are simple and direct, pointing to what's truly important and how to take one step at a time to get there. That's just what I need. Anyway...

Kat's giving away a gift pack including music and a t-shirt from the guys singing the song playing in the background right now. I honestly don't even own any of their CDs, but since Song of Hope is one of my favorites, and one that I just recently posted about, wouldn't it be a cool God-thing if I would win? Even if I don't, I just love how God makes connections like that to confirm His work in our lives.

Another nice thing about the conditions attached to this giveaway is that it helps keep me focused and working toward goals that will make my life more what I long for it to be as a mother and homemaker seeking to bless my family a little more each day.

A little cool music playing in the background while I work would just top it all off...