Monday, November 8, 2010

1000 Gifts: 171 to 184

When gratitude is bound by circumstances, lives are bound to bitterness.
Ann Voskamp, A Holy Experience

171. Miracles, the greatest that His mercies are new every morning.

172. Vulnerable teaching on difficult topics--truth spoken in grace.

173. Earlier sunrise.

174. A missed nap allowing for a late-sleeping toddler.

175. Remembering: pruning for greater beauty.

176. 66 degrees.

177. Truly seeing, some days.

178. Electricity.

179. When I get it right for them. Not today, but once in a while.

180. The sound of chains being loosed, little by little.

181. Hand-knit scarves.

182. The hope of reaching 1000 gifts.

183. New life, here already, arriving in June (clarification: my sister, not me!)

184. Jesus is coming soon. Come, Lord Jesus.

holy experience

Monday, November 1, 2010

Job Description

Our job is obedience. God’s job is results.
spoken by God through Lysa TerKeurst