Monday, November 8, 2010

1000 Gifts: 171 to 184

When gratitude is bound by circumstances, lives are bound to bitterness.
Ann Voskamp, A Holy Experience

171. Miracles, the greatest that His mercies are new every morning.

172. Vulnerable teaching on difficult topics--truth spoken in grace.

173. Earlier sunrise.

174. A missed nap allowing for a late-sleeping toddler.

175. Remembering: pruning for greater beauty.

176. 66 degrees.

177. Truly seeing, some days.

178. Electricity.

179. When I get it right for them. Not today, but once in a while.

180. The sound of chains being loosed, little by little.

181. Hand-knit scarves.

182. The hope of reaching 1000 gifts.

183. New life, here already, arriving in June (clarification: my sister, not me!)

184. Jesus is coming soon. Come, Lord Jesus.

holy experience